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Setup and Installation


The only dependencies for Remotion are Node.JS and FFMPEG.



You can initialize a new Remotion video using

npm init video
npm init video

That's it! Wait for the installation to be finished and follow the instructions in the terminal.

Additional step for Linux users

Linux users need to install some additional packages to get Chrome/Puppeteer working correctly.

pacman -S dconf alsa-lib atk glibc cairo libcups dbus expat fontconfig gcc gdk-pixbuf2 glib2 gtk3 nspr pango gcc-libs libx11 libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxext libxfixes libxi libxrandr libxrender libxss libxtst ca-certificates ttf-liberation libappindicator-gtk3 nss lsb-release xdg-utils wget mesa
pacman -S dconf alsa-lib atk glibc cairo libcups dbus expat fontconfig gcc gdk-pixbuf2 glib2 gtk3 nspr pango gcc-libs libx11 libxcomposite libxcursor libxdamage libxext libxfixes libxi libxrandr libxrender libxss libxtst ca-certificates ttf-liberation libappindicator-gtk3 nss lsb-release xdg-utils wget mesa

Got instructions for more Linux distributions? Add them to this page!

Installation in existing projects

If you already have a project you want to install Remotion in, don't use the instructions on this page. Instead, check out: Installation in existing projects